Perth Pride Choir Membership Form

Joining Perth Pride Choir means committing to actively support the aims of the Choir. Please read through the Choir's aims before continuing...

Perth Pride Choir aims:

  • To positively represent the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer + (LGBTQIA+) community in Western Australia within the LGBTQIA+, and wider, community.
  • To encourage and develop choral music skills of members to the highest possible standard regardless of previous musical skills or experience through rehearsals and performances.
  • To provide a welcoming, safe, supportive and inclusive environment for all members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and allies of this community.
  • To build a strong and vibrant choir community through musical and social activities and interactions.
  • To encourage Members of the Choir to have a participatory involvement with the Choir’s activities.

This form needs to be completed to enable you to join Perth Pride Choir. This information is stored in the Choir database. It is viewed only by the committee for approval of membership and as de-identified data if required for grant applications or emergencies or other activities where the information is required. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.

Existing members, please do not use this form.

About You

1. First Name (what shall we call you at choir?)
2. Last name (Used for our member register)
- This email will be our main way of contacting you, such as newsletters
The next questions are intended to enable the Choir to best support every Member. De-identified information may be used in grant applications where equity and/or group diversity is prioritised * This information will otherwise remain confidential and private except for your pronouns (where provided), which will be displayed on your name badge.
6. How would you describe your gender? *
7. What are your pronouns? These will be on your name badge unless you opt out. *
Choose all that apply

Your Music

8. What singing part are you? If you're not sure make a best guess *

Soprano - usually sing the highest notes
Alto - usually sings notes below Soprano
Tenor - usually sings notes above Bass
Bass - usually sing the lowest

Emergency Contact *

We might need to contact someone on your behalf in case of emergency (e.g. you have a medical emergency) and it would help us if you provided an Emergency Contact.
Please include:
  • The name your emergency contact knows you by
  • The name of your emergency contact
  • Their phone number
  • Their relationship to you

Click the Next button below to submit your application...